Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ready or Not... More Chicks

I found the Americauna chick (larger one to the front right) this morning before I left for work. When I got home, he/she had a brother/sister. I think the new chick is a Rhode Island Red.
Taking pictures of chickens is a lot of trial and error- mostly error. They do not sit still for long, always busy with something and easily distracted from the task at hand. I took about 30 shots on my digital camera to get 3-4 that were usable. I loved this picture. It looks like they are talking with each other.

2 more chicks hatched- 4 more possibilities waiting in the nest. :) With these successfully hatching, that brings the ratio for this clutch to 14 hatched /20 eggs or 70% success rate. I like those odds. I will like them even more if the other 4 eggs cooperate and hatch chicks this week.

Now, it is time to get off my duff to start the morning chores. I wonder if I will have any surprises waiting for me. . .

Have a great day!
Sonja ♥

P.S. No new chicks hatched, but the ones from the coop came inside to their new home.

Vastly underwhelmed with their digs, they began searching the paper at once for better living quarters.

"It's upside down!"

"This one looks nice. What do you think? Shall we go to see it?"

"Hmmm... Fireplace... good, good. Will our couch fit here?"

"I love the bay window and all the light in this Kitchen... and parquet floors!"
Sonja ♥


  1. Oh my, those pictures are too cute. Where did you get the precious chick house? It wasn't a trip to Mary's Barn was it. I love that place!

  2. We actually use a large parrot cage for our brooder. It works great, but I was fooling around and set the new chicks inside the girls old doll house. It was the perfect size for this silly photo shoot. Immediately after I took the last picture, one of the chicks left me a mess to clean, so I doubt I will get away with using the doll house again. :)

  3. Awww such cute photos! I agree, it's very hard to get good shots of chickens. Like you, I normally take 20-30 and get only a couple of good ones. So glad we have digital nowadays!
