Y'all are just the very best! I asked you to come to my rescue with images captured from your day at the homestead and you did! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in sharing them with us. It was hard to choose my favorites, but Sean and I finally narrowed it down to these... We hope you enjoy this peek at our homestead through the eyes of some of our guests.
Feeding the chickens and checking for eggs was
a big hit with our new friends. |
One of the necessary jobs in keeping goats,
is the routine trimming of their hooves. The goats don't
mind a bit- so long as there is grain available to munch. |
Goat horns are actually attached to their skull and perform
an important role in maintaining their temperature and as a
protection from predators. |
"By My Beard!" Jedi has the nicest beard of all the bucks. |
Delilah is a "people" goat. She loves them and considers them a good addition to her herd. |
There is never an end to the repairs that are needed. All the goats have taken to using the chicken fencing as very convenient back scratching equipment. Sean is forever reattaching wire. |
Even our smallest guests enjoyed watching (and chasing) the
goats and their kids browsing in the back yard. |
Our newly erected goat playing apparatus was a huge success with the goat does
whether they enjoyed the shade afforded under it or romped about on top. |
There is no such thing as "no room" to playing goats! |
Zoey and the other farm cats enjoy their taste of goat's milk each day.
Nothing goes to waste on the farm. |
Jasmine enjoyed the day on the front lawn helping us to curb the grasses that
had grown too tall to tackle with my push mower. She did a fine job of making
it much more manageable! |
Curious Amos was interested in exploring everything in the back yard- including the compost pile and extra fencing elements. I suspect he is working on a plan to assist with his escapes in days to come. |
While we are working on getting a proper pond dug this year, our geese and ducks enjoy a
splash around in the wading pool. |
We hope you enjoyed your peek into our Open Homestead Day. We are hoping our Emu chicks will be hatched this fall in September. Once they have settled, we'll be hosting another day for you to come and visit with us.
Thanks for stopping in tonight, friends. We're sure glad you did.
Sean and Sonja ♥
PS: Remember, if I used one or more of your images, we'd like to say thank you with a little something from us. Be sure to comment on this post how I can contact you if you are interested in receiving your something special. :)