Our first barn swallows have moved in! |
I think I feel that way because this last winter was so hard for so many, us included. The weather did not break until later than usual, which sets everything else back just a bit. But, with the lengthening of the days, our land is slowly awakening. And, we have been able to check off a few things from this year's "to do" list. In the past couple weeks, the garden beds we built last year were weeded, fertilized, and made ready for planting. We picked up the garden plants from Cameron which he diligently nurtured for us. New fencing was installed for the dog yard. New fencing was installed for the new main chicken coop yard. New fencing was built for our 2 small chicken tractors in the back yard and the appropriate groups of chickens were moved to reside within. The turkey coop yards were both expanded with, you guessed it, new fencing. Chain link fencing was installed to help keep the goats from straying onto our neighbor's yard. The burn pile collected from debris over the winter was fired. And, the bones of my working studio have begun to emerge.
Herb Garden in containers are easy! |
Aquila, our red-breasted bronze tom. |
Rough and Very Bendable Timing of Events:
9 am Milking Demonstration. Sean will hand milk our four does. If you want to see how it is done or try your hand at it yourself, this is the time to come!
10 am Morning Feeding Time. Since the critters are normally fed hours earlier, they will think we have forgotten them for good and act like they have never eaten before. If you want to help out with feeding or watering chores for any of the animals, now is the time to be here.
Judah |
11 am Hoof Trimming Demonstration. Sean will show interested ones how to properly trim goat hooves. This is a necessary part of goat husbandry and a skill every goat keeper should have. We'll also be checking eyelid color and worming any goats that are in need of it.
Cheese Making Demonstration. Sonja will demonstrate how we make chevre and feta cheeses. Sample some here and take a small cheese sample home with you for later.
1 pm Soap Making Demonstration. Sonja will whip up three batches of Lally Broch Farm Soap and walk you through how it is done. Take a sample home for your family to enjoy. Folks who are interested in making their own soaps can sign up for a one-on-one walk through in your kitchen. We'll provide the materials you need to create three different soap scents of your choice. These personal classes cost $60 and last one and a half to two hours in duration. You will keep six, 5 oz bars of soap from the class (two of each scent you create.) A recipe with materials list is included in the personal class for you to keep, too.
2 pm Home~Made Ice Cream. Join Sean in the kitchen as he uses our ice cream maker to whip up some fresh ice cream for you to sample. We'll make ice cream with a few simple ingredients: fresh goat's milk, sugar, vanilla, (and when applicable, berries). You can taste a sample Raspberry, Strawberry, or Vanilla flavors. All I have to add to this is YUM.
* Visit with the animals who live here including heritage turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, bunnies, goats and their kids, our Vietnamese Potbelly Pig, and our retired horse, Jasmine.
* Visit our Open Studio. We'll have ready soaps, scents, reusable food storage wraps, and original mosaic eggshell jewelry to browse, touch and smell. Perhaps, you'll want to pick up something special for yourself or as a gift.
* Satisfy your sweet tooth with a slice of homemade pie, a bag of popped corn, goat's milk fudge, or other yummy treat at the bake sale table.
We are eager to meet you all and share part of our day with you. At the beginning of our 2nd year, there is still so much to do before this homestead becomes the farm Sean and I are dreaming of, but this is a celebration of where we are and what will be accomplished this year.
We strongly recommend rubber boots and "play" clothes for your visit. This is a homestead with farm animals. As cute as farm animals are, animals poop... a lot... unexpectedly. Spring and early summer mean babies around the farm. Some of our birds are sitting on nests and should not be disturbed. Please, obey posted signs. Also, though we anticipate your visit will be full of great memories for you, farming and homesteads carry inherent risk. Animals, even "friendly" ones can injure people and carry germs. By visiting our homestead, you are assuming those risks 100% for yourself and those you bring with you.
For more information message us or call us at 207-323-4982. We hope to see you at the farm!
Sean and Sonja ♥