I woke this morning with more energy than I have felt (and faked) these past months. By 7am, the milking had been finished, the milk strained and its weigh recorded, and all the equipment sterilized and ready for tomorrow. My brain has been simultaneously processing many lists of things needing to be accomplished in the next few days; preparing new jewelry pieces for the Belfast Art Market on Friday, deep cleaning this disaster of a home, ordering lumber and supplies for the barn leveling and 2nd floor construction, clearing the debris from the yard, catching up on writing about the happenings... On that note, I
have been capturing video and images of life on the homestead, even though I hadn't the time to actually edit or post any of them.
Zacchaeus 2 days old 2013 |
Starting today, I will write and post some "catch up" images and video. And, as things happen around here, I'll record those for you, too. It is not my intention to give you all whiplash, but I did take the time to capture images, it seems wasteful to keep them to myself.
Today's installment is mainly about Zacchaeus. Remember him? He is developing into a sweet, sweet lad; very friendly, Zac always comes running to me when I enter the field for some snuggles. Well,
I want snuggles. I suspect he wants the grain and/or treats I usually carry on my person.
It is difficult to video or photograph our goat herd because they do not respect personal space. The minute I drop to a knee to snap a shot, their interest is piqued and en masse they run towards me. Then it becomes a matter of maintaining my balance while multiple inquisitive goaty noses are thrust into the crock of my arm, the nape of my neck, or some other random spot on my person. That being said, this video was captured at the end of July after Sean, Justin and I fenced in part of the woods to double the size of the doe pasturage.
Thanks for visiting, Friends. See you tomorrow. ♥