Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our First Sponsor Means Discounts for YOU!

Sean and I have debated adding sponsors and ads to our web page for a while. On one hand, we are trying to build our family farm and hosting sponsors would be a giant step in that favor. On the other hand, we don't want our page to become busy with advertisements. And, certainly, any sponsor we'd agree to place an advertisement for would have to be one that we could endorse honestly and without reservation. With these thoughts in mind, lots of discussions, and many prayers, we decided to be open to the possibility and added a "disclosure page" to our blog page.

Little did we know that we would find a perfect partnership so quickly! We are very pleased to share Hobby Hill Farms and their quality gifts with you. You can browse their extensive collection HERE. Check out their BLOG to follow activities at their barn, in their garden or in their kitchen. Don't forget to stop by on FACEBOOK to share some love.

Not only do they have some great products, but they offered you all a great discount.

15% off ANYTHING, including sale items when you use my code LBF. I am definitely ordering this pink "Farm Chick" hoodie. And, my ball cap is already on it's way! They have so many great products in their shop I know you'll just love!!

Thanks for visiting with us today. We're glad you stopped by.
Sean and Sonja ♥

PS- If you haven't checked out the Farm Chick Bread Recipes Button I put up earlier today, I can't stress enough how you... really... should. The Farm Chicks from Farm Chick Chit Chat put together a collection of our favorite bread recipes. Renee's recipe for Classic White Bread looks as easy as it does delicious. And for those of you trying to cut carbs, you'll want to check out Becky's 30 minute 1-2-3 Spinach Bread. I think I am going to begin with Farmhouse 38's Cheddar Beer Bread.

*Please see our Disclosure Policy for Complete Details.


  1. Congrats on your first sponsor! How exciting! I checked out their site and love that they have so many chicken-themed items!

    1. I enjoyed that, too, but did you see the wine totes and bags? So cute!

  2. Great sponsor! You may have solved my dilema on choosing gifts for my neices and nephews.


  3. Congratulations! So excited for you!

  4. So glad you found such a great fit for your site!
