I don't know who enjoyed the day more~ Sean and I watching our herd through new eyes, our young friends visiting the goat kids, or their parents. I guess since we all had fun, it was win-win-win!
We'll be opening our farm this spring for a day so that any of you who want to come out to visit us can do so. We'll plan to demonstrate how to milk the goat does. You will be able to play with the new goat kids, hand feed the goats, hold chicks, see ducklings and goslings splash about in tubs of water and follow us around, and watch newly hatched baby guinea keets and turkey poults in their brooder. There may be baby bunny kits here, too! I will host a soap-making demonstration. One of our neighbors will demonstrate fiber spinning from angora. Perhaps you might enjoy some freshly made chevre or feta cheese while you are here. We haven't selected the date yet, but we'll post it as soon as we know when it will be. ♥
Angela and Amos |
Ellie was licking Jane's head through
the stall rails. Very funny and strange! |
Ethan and Callie watching the does. |
Elisha loved tasting everyone's coats. |
Hand feeding some grain to Ellie & Abigail |
Callie was brave and felt Jedi's HUGE horns with her hand. If she was worried, she sure didn't look it!
After visiting with the goats, we spent a little time calling to the turkeys to see could we get them to gobble at us. Ethan did a fine imitation of their call. Both of our tom turkeys, Lazarus and Aquila, responded to him. Then, we all looked into the chicken run. Sean brought out our goose, Caitlin and also one of our pearl guinea hens.
Inside the house, almost everyone tried some fresh chevre with chips. Callie tried a little goat's milk. There were mixed reviews with the cheese and milk. But, I find that goat's milk is very subjective- people either love it or hate it. I am glad that some of our friends did enjoy the taste. Of course, the flavor of our milk will change and improve as soon as the does are back browsing wooded pasturage, as they should. While their pastures are dormant, barren of leaves, and covered in snow, the goats are eating mainly hay and grain. One thing we could all agree on was that the cupcakes Meaghan and Sean made were
We really enjoyed our time visiting and sharing our animals with friends. We hope to be able to repeat the experience soon. :)
Thanks for stopping by. We love the company.
~Sonja ♥
Sounds like everyone had a great time!
ReplyDeleteOhh, I so wish I could have been there to see all the children and the animals. What a nice way to spend a winter's afternoon.