One of the starkest contrasts between last week and this (besides the 30-40 degree temperature difference) is the crisp brightness to daylight. It is clearly morning. The sun is out, but it is not bright. It is difficult to get motivated. Difficult, but not impossible.
After a week of being on vacation in Florida, not doing chores each morning, it was a bit of a treat to visit with our flocks and herds despite the cold. There is a peace of spirit I feel while caring for each group. The raucous chickens, ducks, geese, and guineas pile around their fencing poking their beaks through to get the first bite. So to avoid getting rushed by them when I open the gate, I toss a few handfuls of scratch grains ahead of me and quickly set their various food dishes down before grabbing the water container for Sean. The turkey pen is noisy with the trills from seven large and curious birds. Their food container is never emptied at feeding time, but I fill it back to the top anyway. This morning, even their water container was full. A quick whisk of my wrist and the murky water was dispelled and replaced with fresh from the reserve. Turkeys done. Rachel and Leah stand on the stump in the doe pen and thump their front hooves onto the half wall, sticking their noses out reminding me that they are next. Sean had already thrown down a few bales of hay for me to feed them. I greet our youngest buck, Judah when I enter the milk room. I scoop grain for him and also for Ebony, our Vietnamese pot belly pig. The barn chickens run to steal what they can of this. Brave birds. I open the doe stall and call for Ellie, Delilah, and Cassie. The does know their names and come when they are called. All the does get a serving of grain, but these girls are the mildest mannered and if I don't feed them separately, the other does butt them out of the way. While the does and Judah eat their grain in the milk room, I shake out hay for Jasmine, the rest of the does, and the bucks in their 3 roomy stalls. This is a good time to observe the goats. Are they standing normally? Are they eating with gusto? Sean ducks in with buckets of fresh water and we take a minute to scratch necks and check hooves and eyelids. Then, it is time to return the other does to the main doe stalls, secure the doors and get on with our day. A kiss goodbye and Sean is off to work. And, it is time for me to conduct schooling, write a blog post, edit some images or video, care for housework, or create jewelry, soap, or scents. Another day's rhythm has begun.
I didn't capture images of our animals this morning since my photo disk has 280 pictures to sort, edit, and use to create memory books of last week's vacation. Instead, I thought I would share some of my favorites from the week with you. Click on any of the images to see them in more detail.
We were almost to Florida when I spied this Delta airplane from my window on our Sunday afternoon flight. It is hard to judge distance with nothing to a scale that I am used to, but I would not be surprised to discover that the other plane was miles away from us. I zoomed in as far as my camera would go to get this shot. Check out the fuel vapor.
First stop? BEACH!!!!
Can you see the Sand Piper and the Plover in this picture? |
On Wednesday, we spotted our first dolphins. This Mother and calf swam between the concrete canal supports for quite a while. The little calf was curious of us and turned on his side to get a closer look at Sean, Kristen, Meaghan, and Daddy Dale.
I missed catching the calf's playful antics on film, but I did capture it swimming along side them before disappearing beneath the water's surface.
Look at the size of this bloom! I especially enjoyed seeing all the interesting varieties of plants and trees.
Sea plums? One facebook friend suggested it makes a delicious jam. Something to put on my list to try for next time.
Coconut Palm Trees were just everywhere. Sean tried to find some freshly fallen ones, but the ones we discovered were full of ants.
The next stop was at the Vierra Bird Sanctuary. As we drove along the path, among other creatures, we saw egrets, vultures, various kinds of ducks, nesting herons, hawks, storks, turtles, and alligators.
Storks |
This stand of palm trees was home to a heron nest on the top right. A female heron was sitting there. On the top of the tree right in front of it another heron was perched, perhaps a male? Look closely on the palms on the right and you'll find two other birds resting on the tops of the trees.
Sean found the name of these water fowl in the coffee table book Momma Twombly checked out from the local library, but we've forgotten their name now. Do you know what they are?
Sean loved watching these Hooded Mergansers playing. They were tails up as often as they were upright, searching for yummy greens along the bottom of the marsh.
We think this water bird coming in for a splashy landing is a Harlequin duck. This is one of my favorite pictures because of the action of the water spraying out behind him.
These two turtles were having a debate over who owned the log they were floating upon. Silly turtles!
Afterwards, we walked along a board walk while Poppy played at the dog park. We were looking for the family of racoons that make their home in the tangle of undergrowth and palms. We did not see any, but the view was spectacular!
We had reason to celebrate. Vicki, from Cottage Rose chose several pieces of jewelry to sell at her fantastic shop. We are just over the moon about partnering with a shop in Indialantic, especially this one. Vicki carries a huge variety of funky finds because of the many consignments she takes in. If you are local, stop in. It is a MUST. If you are not local, visit her shop online using the link above or on our sidebar. If you find an item you want, you can message the shop to make arrangements to purchase it and have it shipped to you. These are some of our pieces waiting for their forever homes to be found at Cottage Rose:
So many different kinds of palm trees and vegetation thrive in Indialantic. This palm had some kind of long, sharp, succulent growing from it's top. They looked like masses of snakes creeping down the trunk.
What kind of nuts or fruits are these?
Sean picked one of these red fruits on the palm tree on the left. They smelled sweet, but did not taste edible. Hard in the center, we think they are some sort of seed. Or, perhaps they were just not ripe? The tree on the right is one of my favorites. I call it a Pineapple Palm. I do not know its real name.
Bananas and Oranges!
♥ Our Family ♥
Final day at the beach before our flight early Sunday morning.
Final day at the beach before our flight early Sunday morning.
A 3 hour flight into Bangor and we were less than an hour from home when our plane landed. Yes, Maine welcomed us home with a small snow storm.
These are some of my favorite pictures from the past week, but if you really want to feel like you were there with us, click on the video below to hear the birds calling, the waves crashing, and our family enjoying themselves. ♥
Thanks for visiting today, friends. We're glad you stopped by.
Sonja ♥
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